Meet Sue Wickstrom

Certified Transformational Life Coach

Sue Wickstrom Transformational Life Coach  in Knoxville, TN

Sue is an experienced teacher, leader, speaker, business owner & co-author. Following several years of major losses and life altering events, she felt empty of the passion & purpose she had known so well. After a 3-day workshop by world renown thought leader, Mary Morrissey, she embarked on a journey to re-discover the life she’s meant to live with the time she has…one that would re-ignite passion & purpose, be a positive influence in the lives of others, and bring about a new life she would love. Seeing the huge impact it was having on her life, with her spiritual gifts of teaching and leading, she felt the pull to share what she was learning with others, which launched her transformational life coaching business as a certified Dream Builder Life Coach thru The Brave Thinking Institute. She also began to see how her studies and experiences over the past 20+ years have been equipping her for this path and further went on to become certified as a Life Mastery Consultant. Today, Sue’s coaching programs are transforming the lives of others as she continues to transform her own.

“As a Transformational Life Coach, I help both men & women discover the life they’d love and provide powerful tools to manifest it! My programs are taken from 40+ years of study, world renown thought leaders, and proven systems that have transformed thousands & thousands of lives.”

Sue's hobbies include music, dance, being in nature, adventuring, and anything water related!

Contact me

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+1-865-281-1980 (click to call)

Sue Wickstrom

As a Transformational Life Coach, I help goal-oriented individuals discover the life they'd love and provide powerful tools to bring it about!

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